Friday 18 March 2016

The Things You Wish They Taught You At School...

How much do they actually teach us school? 

Sure they teach us things, like, how to count, how to use grammar properly in sentences and the difference between 'there, they're and their'. But does any of this actually help us outside of school. I don't know about you, but I've never had someone come up to me and randomly ask me what 3y-x equals and to be honest I would be quite shocked if they did. Surely we all use simple maths and grammar on a day to day basis but they other things we're taught? Not really. 

There are heaps of things that we aren't taught in school and we're then kind of left to fend for ourselves in the real world. There are so many things that I wish I had learnt while being at school, now being a young adult I've learnt a lot of things along the way through adulthood but a little heads up would of been nice. 

1. How to save money

Surely this is something that teachers should teach their students, it's one of the most valuable things in the world. Growing up and being a child, as soon as you get given money your first instinct is to spend it straight away; whether that be on a new exciting toy or a yummy chocolate, but if that's all we've ever known how will that be different when we become adults? We don't turn 18 and realise the value of saving money until we learn from mistakes. I was taught the value of money from my parents growing up, so I know the values of saving and budgeting money but what about other everyone else? It's just something that we should be taught in schools and seen from other peoples perspective than from our family. 

2. How to pay bills/taxes

Pretty sure this is one of the most consistently hard aspects of being a adult, how do we pay bills and how do we pay our taxes? We sure won't find out from school because apparently that's not important enough to teach. Pretty much just a continuation from 'saving money' just something valuable we need to know and something people have little knowledge on coming into adulthood. It's just something we learn along the way and by guidance from parents and/or guardians. 

3. How to not stress about everything

High school is a pretty stressful time, and it just gets worse going into college and university and then worse with jobs. So why don't they teach students ways to cope with their work load and how to self-sufficiently manage their time so their lives are as stress-free as they can be. By not helping people to manage their stress it just adds more stress. Managing stress is definitely something we learn to manage as an individual as we know what works best to de-stress our own lives but it does help to know that you're not the only one who feels stressed and overwhelmed. It's nice to know that people support you and are there to help you out so you don't stress about every little thing.

To be continued. 

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